BLOG: Blog v Wiki
Blogs are used for individuals who want to express their ideas into the world of the internet. Blogs in present day are usually used for fashion, advice, cooking, a journal, etc. It is used to share tips, tricks, stories, and ideas by anyone who has access to the internet. Wiki is used more for information, where anyone can collaborate and edit the same wiki page to update information so the information is always up to date. I think that blogs can be used for collaboration through many individuals maintaining one blog. Blogs also have comment features so people can be engaged in the blog. For Wiki, I think that something that needs to be done would be to somehow verify the information that is put on there. While a big chunk of information on wiki is usually accurate, it is not verified which is why professors and teachers tell you not to use wikipedia and it will not be a reliable source. Since people go to Wikipedia for a quick search or information, it should be verified somehow. Trolls usually go to wiki to change around information to make it funny and anyone can really edit wiki.
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