HW Creativity

New media fosters creativity because it allows anyone and everyone to come up with ideas that are limitless and unstoppable. In this day and age of new media, people's ideas bounce off of each other therefore creating new ideas and the possibilities of creativity are endless. Creativity doesn't have to be complicated and complex. In the New York Times Article, "Twitter Serves Up Ideas from its Followers" by Claire Cain Miller, it mentions that "In 2007, Chris Messina, an early Twitter user, came up with another idea, inspired by a convention used on other Web sites, to mark conversations about a certain topic with the # symbol. “I begged and pleaded for them to support this feature, and they said, ‘No, it’s only for nerds, no one will get it,’” said Mr. Messina, an open-source advocate who runs a technology consulting firm, Citizen Agency." But even after they stated "its only for nerds" or "no one will get it", it states that twitter users caught on fast. Next thing you know, everyone was using the hashtag for events or to write on the same topics so tweets can be traced. This is a great example of how new media fosters creativity because Chris Messina was shot down by Twitter, yet other twitter users supported his idea and utilized it to it's fullest potential. Just because one person doesn't get your idea, doesn't mean no one on the internet will.


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